Thermovision goggles NCBiR project

VEO Sp. z o.o. from 01/02/2021, as a partner in a consortium with SKA Polska Sp. z o.o. project co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund under the Intelligent Development Operational Program. The project is carried out as part of the competition of the National Center for Research and Development: Szybka Ścieżka

"Mobile thermal vision system detecting fever, operating on the basis of proprietary virus, shock and waterproof Augmented Reality goggles."


Project goal: To create a device based on Augmented Reality goggles, enabling mobile temperature measurement of people moving in public places.

Planned effects of the project: An innovative product implemented in the area of ​​supporting functioning in epidemiological emergency situations to the benefit of Polish society, in particular in public places that are particularly epidemiologically sensitive, such as, for example, airports, stations, streets, hospitals, offices, places of increased traffic and crowds of people. The solution will enable mobile thermal imaging monitoring and the selection of people with increased temperature, regardless of weather and environmental conditions, where it is not possible to use stationary solutions.


Project value (consortium): PLN 4,049,530.17, including the partner PLN 2,866,155.17

Project co-financing value (consortium): PLN 2,935,616.65, including the partner PLN 2,047,391.65